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- GPRS Modem with TTL used for AMR remote monitoring
- M2M GSM SMS Terminal for phase energy meter read
- I/O function wireless gprs modem for AMR solution
- street light remote control switch with SIM Card SMS Modem
- GPRS Modem with TTL
- wireless gprs modem for AMR solution
- RS232/RS485 to TCP/IP Data Converter, serial port converter
- M2M industrial rs485 GPRS modem for Wireless Energy Monitor
- gsm transmitter and receiver with industrial GPRS modem
- street light remote control switch with GSM SMS Terminal
- rs232/rs485 Fiber optical AT command modem
- M2M industrial GPRS SMS modem for Wireless Energy Monitor
- Automatic meter reading with GSM Modem terminal
- gprs remote switch with rs232 gprs modem
- SIM Card wireless GPRS DTU modem
- AT command rs232 wireless modem with advanced communication protocol
- M2M industrial GPRS SMS modem for gprs streetlight switch
- gsm remote switch with rs232 gprs modem
- street light remote switch with gprs wireless modem
- gprs remote switch with gprs wireless modem
- ARM7 CPU rs232 wireless modem with advanced communication protocol
- gprs streetlight switch with GSM Modem terminal
- Early Warning Forecasting with GSM SMS Terminal
- Wireless Energy Monitor with wireless gprs modem
- M2M GSM SMS Terminal for gprs automation
- plug and play gsm modem rs232 for Water, gas and oil flow metering
- automation arm system with gprs gsm modem
- M2M GPRS Wireless transmitter and receiver with SIM card,plug and play KB3030
- M2M M2M GPRS Terminal for phase energy meter read
- M2M rs485 GPRS SMS Modem for Wireless Energy Monitor
- KB2001 HOT SALE! TCP/IP to rs232 data converter
- rs485 Wireless terminal GPRS MODEM
- low price gsm sms gprs modem kb3030
- 850/900/1800/1900MHz gsm module, GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card, KB3030-N
- 850/900/1800/1900MHz gsm module, GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card, KB3030-N
- China CDMA DTU Modem rs232 rs485 ARM solution for remotely control and data tramsmission
- China 30mA/5V CDMA DTU Modem rs232 rs485 ARM solution for remotely control and data tramsmission
- Good Quality gsm module, Kingbird KB3030-N GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card
- Most Competitive gsm module, Kingbird KB3030-N GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card
- 850/900/1800/1900MHz gsm module, Kingbird KB3030-N GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card
- Own Development Module KB601Q SCADA system/PLC/meter reading, KB3030-K gprs gsm modem
- Most Cost-effective SCADA system/PLC/meter reading, KB3030-K gprs gsm modem
- Competitive SCADA system/PLC/meter reading, KB3030-K gprs gsm modem
- Low price gsm module, Kingbird KB3030-N GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card
- China Best SCADA system/PLC/meter reading, KB3030-K gprs gsm modem
- China Low price gsm module, KB3030-N GPRS GSM Modem with SIM card
- Wireless CDMA data logger communicator with rs232 rs485 serial, diigital inputs and outputs
- Wireless CDMA DTU data transfer communicator with rs232 rs485 interface for electric power automatic meter reading/PLC
- High quality wireless CDMA DTU data transmission terminal modem with rs232 rs485 interface for remote control
- KB3060 CDMA DTU Modem rs232 rs485 ARM solution for remotely control and data tramsmission